Any person carrying out embryo transfer (ET), flushing, or ovum pick up (OPU) must do so in accordance with the law.
Embryo transfer related procedures must aim to improve the health and welfare of the resultant offspring. Genetic preservation of rare breeds and bloodlines within a breed may also be undertaken.
Embryo transfer companies will visit themselves or ascertain through the attending local veterinarian that all clients desiring to undertake ET or OPU on their animals can undertake these procedures safely and the farming system is appropriate for the resultant offspring.
Veterinary pre-examination to predict likely response and select suitable donors is encouraged.
If the compulsory veterinary pre-examination of selected donors and recipients determines any procedure would cause pain suffering or distress then the animal will not be presented for embryo flushing/transfer/ovum pick up
New technicians and veterinarians must initially be supervised and receive technical and practical training by an ET team leader.
Those carrying out ET/flushing/OPU must undergo CPD updates as required.
Before embryo flushing, embryo transfer and ovum pick up caudal epidural anaesthesia must be administered and checked to be working to ensure no unnecessary pain or discomfort is caused during the procedures.
Veterinarians and technicians carrying out embryo flushing, embryo transfer and OPU must also record:
number and quality of oocytes harvested,
calving outcomes for all recipients (assisted, caesarean etc),
any complications as a result of the procedures (e.g. reactions/discomfort during or after OPU, injection site complications – reaction, infection etc)
The records from points 9 must be taken into account when selecting donors and recipients for future procedures.
All teams undertaking ET procedures are annually inspected by APHA. BETA will provide a list of all teams that are registered with the BETA and are accredited by APHA.
All teams undertaking ET procedures will remind clients of their obligation to record medicine use appropriately.